About Us

Wholesale Travel provides a service which the other internet sites do not… 

  1.  We use our volume buying power to save you money. 

  2.  All of our properties are routinely visited and personally inspected by our staff. 

  3.  All of our staff are familiar with the resort areas we feature and know the travel routes, 

      nearby stores, attractions, and other items of interest.


We  are a company that specializes in 3 major areas of travel;  Orlando-Disney World, The Bahamas, and Las Vegas. By focusing on these destinations we can be at the top of our game in the knowledge of where to go, what to do, and our number one reason, of course, is to help you get the most for your money.

Our travel discounts include the best accommodations with the best quality, and the best locations for the lowest price.

After all, that’s what you are looking for isn’t it?


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Kyrillos Ghaly